From mental-health mindfulness to sumptuous shower experiences, our organic Vegan products will help you to feel relaxed, refreshed and revitalised
We believe that taking care of your body is a form of self-love. We aim to provide you with the tools you need to show yourself some kindness with every shower. At Melody's Magical Scents, we know that your shower products should never compromise your health or the environment. That's why all of our products are 100% natural, organic, and vegan... why does that matter?
Your skin is the largest organ of your body, it is a key part of you which both protects you from harm and allows you to express yourself! We pierce our skin for jewellery, we tattoo our bodies with our favourite pictures and sometimes we even choose to use tanning lotion - all of these things help you show the world your true self. We often take it for granted that our skin will always heal; it will always be there like a familiar friend...

When was the last time you checked on that friend? Your skin can tell you a lot about other things happening in your body. Vitamin deficiencies and issues with organs such as the liver can all show up as changes in your skin. Stress can cause flare-ups of eczema or psoriasis, dehydration can cause your skin to become less elastic, hormone fluctuations can cause acne - STOP!
There can be so much to worry about on a daily basis (especially if you have a chronic condition), that it is easy to ignore what your body is telling you. You're too tired to take a shower, so you just put on some comfy clothes... and before you know it three days have passed. Maybe you're anxious about attending an appointment and you know you have to wash but the nervous energy has kept you awake a night and you're exhausted... this is where we believe Melody's Magical Scents can help.
We want you to feel great again!
Feeling good about yourself takes energy. Everything takes energy these days, and it's not always easy to find! Our products are only made from organic ingredients because we understand that if your skin isn't happy you aren't happy.
In many shower sprays or scented wellness products you will find synthetic chemicals which the body can negatively react to. This could be as simple as a light rash or as harsh as full blown hives! If you take the time to treat yourself to a shower or
a sensual pillow spray, the last thing you want is to use your remaining energy to fight a flare up!We supply shower sprays, pillow sprays and roller bottles - without the chemicals. These items are designed to give you a little lift when you most need it. Feeling anxious? Why not lay down for some quiet time and enjoy the soothing Sweet Sleep Pillow spray. You need some pep in your step or to relieve some of the symptoms of a bad headache? Why not try our Lime Tree Garden shower spray?
Our range of scents was developed by Caroline Moore in 2022, a fellow spoonie and chronic-pain sufferer. She was desperate to find a way to combine easy and rewarding self-care with gentle and vibrant scents to counteract some of the symptoms of conditions. Cue many many hours of testing various combinations of products! After several months she was able to come up with the best scents and the way to deliver them to the body.
If you are looking for a way to truly treat yourself, Melody's Magical Scents has something you'll love... and who's Melody? You'll have to visit our website to find out...